File created: 910618 (Changes appear in italics) Revised: 911009 Vividus Source Code Libraries: Vividus consulting currently offers several source code libraries through public distribution channels. Vividus encourages developers to download these libraries, review the documentation, and even experimentally use these libraries. However, these libraries are copyrighted and are not public domain! Anyone interested in using these libraries must read the section entitled "License Agreement for publicly distributed Vividus Source Code Libraries" to see when they must become licensed users. Any restrictions listed therein apply both to licensed and un-licensed users. Presently available libraries: vect Vector abstraction library. Includes vector data types and operations on those data types. Primitives include addition, subtraction, scaling, magnitude, copying, normalization, multiplication by a matrix, conversion to and from spherical coordinates, conversion to and from different vector data types, and others. Operations on arrays of vectors include scaling, translation, and rotation. This library is written in THINKC version 5.0 and should be compilable by nearly all C compilers. No sample code is available for licensed users -- it's just too simple. Look at the library itself for examples. qd3d Three dimensional graphics library. Includes: three dimensional point, line and polygon drawing routines; Gouraud polygon shading; "z-buffer" hidden surface removal; depth queing; backface culling; wireframe mode; perspective and parallel projections; and can be used to generate pixel maps or PICTs. This library is written in THINKC version 5.0 and may require modification for use with C++ compilers. It will not work with "standard" C compilers. (qd3d no longer requires 32 bit QuickDraw.) Depending on the use of this library, the resulting application may require rather large amounts of memory. Licensed users receive source code to the "Cqd3d Demo" application. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh Display Card 8¥24 GC, and Quickdraw are a trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. THINKC is a trademark of Symantec Corporation. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Incorporated. MAUG is likely a trademark of CompuServe Incorporated. License Application for publicly distributed Vividus Source Code Libraries: Order form for publicly distributed Vividus Source Code Libraries: Name Version Comment Individual fee Team license fee Item amount vect 1.1 Vector math routines 10.00 20.00 ______ qd3d 1.1 3-D graphics library. 40.00 100.00 ______ Includes vect license. Sub total ______ 6.5% sales tax (Az residents only) ______ Total ______ Make check payable in US funds to: Vividus Consulting Mail this form and all associated License Agreements to: Vividus Consulting 7015 E Aster Dr Scottsdale Az 85254 (602) 483 3123 E-mail addresses (for correspondence only. License agreements must be signed.): CompuServe: 73067,542 Internet : Licensee information: Team Name (Firm applications only): ______________________________ Number of team members (Firm applications only): ______________________________ Firm Name (Firm or individual applications): ______________________________ Address: ______________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Fax: ______________________________ Team E-mail addresses (order by preference): ______________________________ Advertisement: Vividus Consulting's primary emphasis is Software Engineering. If a reader has a need for custom programming and does not have the necessary resources, please consider contacting Vividus. License Agreement for publicly distributed Vividus Source Code Libraries: Vividus currently offers several source code libraries. Some of these libraries are distributed through local and national information services. Vividus encourages developers to download these libraries, review the documentation, and even experimentally use these libraries! Vividus does not require licensing for any of these activities. However, the libraries ARE NOT FREE nor public domain. Before a developer "goes public" with any program or tool which uses a Vividus Source Code Library, that developer must become licensed for the use of that library! Going "public" includes: commercial, shareware, freeware, public domain, or in-house distribution; educational use; and even public or private demonstrations. Further, if a developer experiences any financial gain from the use of a Vividus Source Code Library, that library must be licensed. This includes cases where a developer uses a library to create an end product which no longer includes the library -- pictures and unmarketed program prototypes are examples. Developers are encouraged to license Vividus Source Code Libraries even if solely for experimentation or "going public" is not anticipated in the near future. Licensing encourages Vividus to continue refining a given source code library, and Vividus is more likely to provide technical support to licensed developers. In addition, licensed developers will be notified of changes and additions to the source code libraries via e-mail. Some of these changes may only be available to licensed developers. Additionally, significant revisions and updates may be made available to licensed developers at a cut rate. One last reason for developers to license is that licensing includes sample code demonstrating the use of a library and a printed copy of the library documentation. For an individual or software team to become licensed, this entire section entitled "License Agreement for publicly distributed Vividus Source Code Libraries," must be read and filled out by every individual who will be working with the given Vividus Source Code Library. For teams, this includes a copy for every programmer on the team and the team manager. Individuals or software team managers applying for a license must also complete the section entitled "License Application for publicly distributed Vividus Source Code Libraries." The restrictions below also apply to un-licensed users. Each item below must be initialed by the individual software author, programming team member, or team manager: 1. ___ This license is not granted to any single software firm alone. It is only granted to individual authors or a software team in a firm with a given set of authors (programmers). Since software author's are largely responsible for the distribution, adoption, and use of Vividus Source Code Libraries, software authors must be familiar with the requirements of this license. For individual authors: 1.1 ___ This license is granted to you alone. You are not to suggest to another author that your license gives them license to "go public" in the use of a Vividus Source Code Library. In the event that you hire additional programmers who work with a Vividus Source Code Library, you will have to re-license as a software firm. To do this, have the new programmer(s) fill out this form and remit the difference between the firm and individual license prices. If you have a contract programmer or a consulting firm do work for you, you need not become licensed as a software firm if that contract programmer or consulting firm will itself become licensed. For software firms: 1.2. ___ Software teams are only "licensed" for a Vividus Source Code Library when Vividus Consulting has received this form from every programmer which uses a Vividus Source Code Library. If programmers are added to a team at a later date, simply have them send in a form separately. In the event of complete software team dissolution, licensed software firms retain the right to distribute a product which uses a Vividus Source Code Library. 1.3. ___ Software firms possessing multiple teams must have every team using a Vividus Source Code Library licensed for the given Vividus Source Code Library. For any software author, either individual or at a firm: 1.4 ___ If you or your team is not currently covered by a licensing agreement and needs to be, you must become licensed immediately! Even if an employer tells you otherwise through neglect or intent. 1.5 ___ You are allowed to give other authors an "un-licensed" public Vividus Source Code Library only in the form you received it from a national or local information service. You may not give any third party a subsequent version you "privately" receive from Vividus. 1.6 ___ If you previously worked for a licensed team, that license does not extend to projects not involved with that team with which you may separately become involved. 2. ___ Vividus Source Code Libraries are licensed as is. Vividus refuses to take any responsibility for errors, misuse, or unsuitability. (Vividus would like to know about errors.) Any problems caused by a Vividus Source Code Library in an applicants use or end product is the sole problem, responsibility, and liability of that applicant. By using the Vividus Source Code library, the applicant agrees to this and to indemnify Vividus from any claims by a third party using an applicants product -- regardless of any legal theories. 3. ___ No technical support is guaranteed. If any technical support is provided, it will be via e-mail. 4. ___ Copying and pasting of code segments from the Vividus Source Code Library to other software source code is prohibited. 5. ___ No entity shall remove any embedded Vividus Consulting copyright information in the Vividus Source Code Libraries. 6. ___ No entity other than Vividus Consulting shall upload a modified version of any Vividus Source Code Library to any information service. "Public" Vividus Source Code Libraries placed on information services by Vividus Consulting, may be distributed to other information services as long as it is a copy of the original "stuffed" or "compacted" file(s). 7. ___ Any program or tool which uses a Vividus Source Code Library shall give credit to "Vividus Consulting" for each library used. This credit shall be placed in a prominent position in the "about box" or credits of the program. The exclusion of this requirement is separately negotiable. If this exclusion is granted, embedded Vividus Consulting copyright information must not be removed (#5 above). 8. ___ Not only does Vividus reserve the rights on the actual source code statements, but it also reserves all rights on the interfaces to the associated routines. I. e.. no entity shall make a library which replaces or duplicates a Vividus Source Code Library. 9. ___ Vividus reserves the right to change subsequent versions and specifications without prior notification. 10. ___ Except where noted, Vividus reserves all rights for any Vividus Source Code Library. 11. ___ If any applicant has questions regarding this agreement, please call! I have read this entire section entitled "License Agreement for publicly distributed Vividus Source Code Libraries" and agree to abide by its terms: Software author signature ______________________________ Printed name ______________________________ Title ______________________________ E-mail addresses (order by preference) ______________________________ Team name (if applicable) ______________________________ Firm name ______________________________ If you are being appended to a team license, please mail this completed application to: Vividus Consulting 7015 E Aster Dr Scottsdale Az 85254 (602) 483 3123